For a beautiful garden

Garden Consultancy & Advice


Garden Consultancy & Advice

With over 40 years of being a professional gardener and landscape company owner, I am very well placed in providing a wealth of informative knowledge, I can cover all aspects of either working with a garden or what it takes to build a new one. I deliver all my advice in a friendly and relaxed manner.

Given my background, firstly as a head gardener of a large country estate and latterly in the landscaping industry, I have built a good knowledge of plants, their Latin names, where they are meant to thrive, pest and diseases, sourcing and planting design. I have all the necessary skills to pass on valuable information, how to give plants their best chance, how and when to prune, how to rejuvenate old plants or know when it’s time to start again. I can inform you of the best plants for your soil and aspect, what specific trees would be good for the size of garden you have and many other aspects of gardening, even if you would like to learn how to grow vegetables or cut down on the maintenance.

If it’s a new garden you are wanting, then I can help here with; where you should start, how to select a quality Landscaping company, let you know what something is likely to cost, if your visions are even feasible, assist with ideas you may have, save you making the mistakes many make, before it’s too late, discuss potential materials you like, many are not what they seem. For a few hours of my time, you save yourself heartache and money. Nothing like discussing things with a professional first.   

If you have an established garden, how do you look after what you have, has it got totally overgrown, what should you leave, what should go, can you save money and work with what you have, can the plants and soil you have be improved or revitalised, is the patio salvageable, can a wall or fence be repaired, do you have a tight budget to work to or a more relaxed spend in mind. Whatever the questions you have, I can nearly always provide a credible answer and if I can’t, I have such good resources to hand, there isn’t much that I can’t assist with, again, saving wasted time, effort and money.

I charge by the hour, with a small charge to cover travel time, dependent on journey time, often just one hour can be enough, on many occasions it has been several hours when people find the information they are receiving becomes invaluable, but also interesting, especially for those wanting to learn about gardening or that have a passion for it. I can write up notes for you, or you can take notes yourself as we move around your garden, many actually find it just an enjoyable bit of garden banter. Clients also call me back on a regular basis, to show them what they should be doing with their plots at any given time. Try it and see.

Large stainless steel moong


Over 40 Years Experience

Andy Woodason created Bowood Landscapes in February 1992 and with only himself started creating beautiful gardens. He took on his first employee in June 1998 and started to take on slightly bigger projects. More employees came and went on to pastures new and at the end there were 8 employees, a lovely bunch of people who all have the same goal in mind, to create, enhance and maintain beautiful outdoor spaces for customers in the local and surrounding areas.


Create a beautiful garden on any ground with my landscaping ideas